Wednesday, January 22, 2014

in defense of quietness, part 2

One more postscript, if I may, on what I wrote last week.

It occurs to me that it was unfair to use "hymn-singers" as synonymous with "introverts."  Introverts may enjoy any type of music, and although it's not so common, there are occasionally foot-stompers among the hymn-singers.

Perhaps I got lost in my many thoughts on the matter - here now is my attempt at condensation:  introverts, when listening to any type of music, will more often use quiet body language.  They'll be the ones with bowed heads.  Extroverts, when listening to any type of music, will more often use louder body language.  They'll be the ones clapping during the hymns.  Both "verts" can experience God through either type of music ... although the "innies" will likely be more tuned in to it during quieter music, and the "outies" will likely be more tuned in to it during rowdier music.

And to every rule there will be, of course, exceptions.

If we can just remember to respect each other as God made us, and give each other space to experience God in the ways he made us to, we can, in turns, be quieted or enlivened by those unlike us, and thereby see more of God.

[and there - look!  I've got my better labels!!]


  1. Great thoughts. Here are my questions:
    What if heavenly worship is more like what Isaiah and John witnessed and less like a rock concert? What if our new proclivity for devising our own custom services says more about our ego than it says about God? It's amazing how similar all worship services were across all cultures, and how universally reticent churches were to tinker with the forms that were handed down, until a few hundred years ago. Did this stifle Christian peoples' ability to worship God in personal and creative ways? I actually don't think it did. Did the structure, consistency, and order of the worship service play an important role in forming Christians? I think it might have. Those are my thoughts. :-)

  2. Great thoughts! Thanks for sharing them - makes me wish I knew more about the church's history. The scenes described in Isaiah and Revelation certainly breathe holiness in a way that, for me, a rock concert-style service isn't likely to. However, one could, I suppose, read Biblical precedence for a smoke machine in Isaiah 6:4. ;)

    1. Indeed - smoke machines have been used in the church's worship for millenia - but it's called incense. :)

  3. Touche! That's just what my Farmer said when I told him. :)


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