a night out at the pottery studio
pizza made by friends' hands & baked outdoors in a clay oven
a suncatcher for me to paint, gift from my daughter
husband's hand on mine
children dropped off happy at Grandma & Grandpa's
us, let loose from schedules, lunching with newspapers spread
cheese from the Savory Gourmet
a drive through the park, looking for (and finding!) mushrooms
the "ahhhhh" of a quiet house
a great illustrated book on pottery techniques
nap on the livingroom floor
chocolate for tea, and mushroom leek cheese
the possibilities of two unplanned days
All these, consecutively, work wonders. I pray God the days' refreshment will translate into something more lasting - patience, maybe? for the multitudes of wrinkle-makers sent for my refinement.
In the meantime, gratitude, deep and sweet.
Thank you, God above. Thank you, potter friends. Thank you, daughter of mine. Thank you, "Ba." Thank you, my Farmer, my hero, my friend.
Thank you, God above.

i started my own 1000 gifts list today, thanks to your inspiration. i'd thought of it several times but never put pen to paper. see, you're making a difference in the world! :) love you.
Yay, you figured out how to leave a comment! :o) Good job. And I hope your list inspires you like mine does me. Thanks for your kind words.