I left this morning while the sky was still dark. The children were all still in bed, and a full moon shone bright over low-lying fog. Within a few minutes the sky was brightening to a fiery pink, and I was in a friend's car en route to a women's conference.
Hours later I came home. It had been a full day of smiling, listening, and small talk. I had been challenged, and reminded of truths I already knew, I laughed, and learned. It had been good.
There had also been all the petty disappointments that you're not supposed to mention - having a bad hair day, not enjoying a speaker as much as I'd hoped, seeing goodie bags I liked better than the one I'd been given, feeling left out of conversations, and not winning a door prize. (I never win door prizes, so you wouldn't think that could disappoint me anymore ....)
I had a headache from the long drive home, but decided to stop off at my favorite thrift store to hunt for jeans. No luck.
Driving the last few miles home, I tried to tally up my day: a break from responsibilities - good. Headache - bad. Hearing one of my favorite women's speakers - good. Social awkwardnesses - bad. Yummy meal I didn't have to make (& got to eat sitting down the whole time!) - very good. No jeans - bad.
As I turned into our road, though, the balance suddenly tilted solidly on the side of good as I remembered -
- my family loves me, and are very likely waiting to greet my arrival home with enthusiastic smiles and shouts of joy.
And sure enough, there was Spice peering out the window when I pulled in, waving excitedly with a huge smile on her face, happy to see me just because I'm the mommy here.
It was enough.
I still had a headache. I still had the goodie bag I wouldn't have chosen. I still had no new jeans.
But I also had my children, hugging me, overflowing with news from their day, and my Farmer, offering me bites he had saved from the supper he made.
I am loved.
And it is enough.
and p.s. - my goodie bag is growing on me...!